Totum Movement is Home for Anyone with a Passion for Movement
Whether you are looking for a place to learn handstands and do a muscle-up, or whether you'd like to become a bit more flexible and increase your range of motion - we want to help you build the tools and the education to thrive for the long haul.
Our practice is varied and incorporates methods from Gymnastics and Bodyweight Strength Training, Flexibility and Mobility Training, Locomotion & Floorwork, Circus, Yoga, Natural Movement, Ido Portal Method, Fighting Monkey, and Functional Range Conditioning (FRC).
We have clear standards for progression in strength and skill training which allows for amazing progress over time. Mobility is trained together with strength and skill work so that you become stronger, more flexible and more skilled together. Our focus on curiosity and play is fun and interesting and builds unconventional strength, 'bamboo-like' flexibility (strong but bendy), a greater awareness of your body map, and joints, ligaments & tendons that are resilient and better prepared for life.
Totum is Latin for 'Whole' and having a Whole Movement Practice is what guides us.
Our Teachers
Scott Cashins
Scott is obsessed with movement and the learning process both for students and within his own practice.
He believes everyone benefits from an ongoing personal movement practice (and not simply a training program) which is forever evolving as a means of personal discovery, physical health, and emotional wellbeing. Rather than creating dependency, Scott loves both sharing technique and also guiding the process for students to discover and grow their own personal 'user guide' to the body which, over time, deepens and can be called upon for true health and longevity.
Scott began his movement practice as an adult with little flexibility and understands what it is like to learn new skills as an adult. As a former professional ecological scientist and evolutionary biologist, Scott is aware of our long evolutionary history as humans and how feeding our ancestral human animal within a quickly changing modern lifestyle is becoming more and more important.
Scott is a certified personal trainer, Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist, Certified Kinstretch instructor, Certified FRA Provider (Mobility Assessment), Natural Movement level 2 (MovNat), RYT200, alongside a 15+ years-long practice seeking out and learning from some of the worlds leading coaches in movement, partner acrobatics, acroyoga, thai massage, and handbalancing. Scott is the founder of Totum Movement, Cofounder of Threads Tasmania and available for mobility assessments and personal training as well as small group training requests.
Soisci Porchetta
Soisci's work guides students through embodiment practices to upgrade their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states.
Her movement journey began 20 years ago with martial arts, with her biggest accomplishment being in Muay Thai when she won a world title belt in 2011. After graduating with a BA in anthropology, Soisci began coaching in Muay Thai and fitness.
She eventually dove into the world of movement culture, studying directly with Ido Portal and working as part of his team for 5 years before branching off to work independently, and beginning her journey into inquiring more deeply into her 'why' behind practice, and 'getting out of her own way' in order for creativity to flow.
In 2018 Soisci began studying under Jozef Frucek (Fighting Monkey) and became an 'Inspire by FM' instructor in 2022. FM materials and concepts make up a large proportion of her physical practice, and through them she focuses on helping her students (and herself) to enjoy, adapt and evolve to the uncertainty of life through movement.
Play and joy have fundamental places in her work, whether the goal is to develop skills, rehabilitate, or simply enjoy moving one's body. One of Soisci's biggest passions are her Longevity classes--a restorative movement class that focuses on movement fundamentals that enrich life for people of all ages and abilities. She currently sees movement as a patient process that offers a unique and lasting positive transformation to the practitioner. Another big passion she has is guiding movement teachers to be able teach in a way that aligns with their personal vision for helping others.
In 2020, Soisci began including meditation and spiritual practices in her teachings, thus facilitating a more complete journey for ripe students to "move towards their higher Self." Her studies with inner practices began with her teacher Rajivji Kapur in 2017.
Soisci believes that in order to evolve holistically, all fundamental aspects of human experience (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual) need to be worked on, and that as human beings it is our birthright to embody the knowledge that upgrades and uplifts us and all others.
Other influences that inspire and strongly influence Soisci's work are cooking, art, connecting with nature, serving others, reading, journalling, daydreaming, making time to do nothing, and being in the company of good people and animals.